"We must use our resources and knowledge more effectively and efficiently. Only in this way can we build a brighter future for all of humanity. I see this as the task facing both present and future generations."
All experiences in life – both good and bad – are intrinsically valuable because they ultimately enrich us.
It is difficult to say how much knowledge has gone to waste or been monopolized by those in power over the past 50 years, but certainly more than we are aware.
We must reclaim this knowledge and put it to practice. By doing so, we can begin to conserve and regenerate our environment – for the sake of both today’s and tomorrow’s world.
This is the mindset I see taking hold 30 to 40 years from now. The world will experience a major economic shift as its “old” systems begin to give way to the pioneering concepts of tomorrow’s conscious business leaders.
Success will be defined in a whole new way: It will be achieved TOGETHER rather than at the expense of one another